Monday, April 27, 2009

Another day....

Days fly by so fast its almost like I forget they started, and then they are over. Our kids are growing up so fast, I feel like if I blink I will miss something special. The kids grow up so fast, and so smart.
Kita is going to be in Jr. High next year I AM NOT READY. As much as she is I AM NOT. We have a good relationship I hope it always stays this way. She is going to start some dance classes, and I think she is excited. She is such a good big sister. Even though they fight everyday they grow together too.
Kalvin will be in 4th grade next year and attending a new Elementary. He doesn't have as many opportunities down in the elementary they are in right now. There are no Higher educated classes which KJ needs to keep his mind stimulated and busy all the time. He is beyond ready for football to start even though its not until the end of the summer.
Renati is going to be 4 at the end of May. She wants a Princess Party!! She keeps us beyond busy. She if very smart and always on the go. I am trying to find a school for her to attend next year to keep her busy. She cant stand to see everyone else go to school and she isn't.
Myself & Ren are just taking everything one day at a time. As a couple I think we have grown more respect for eachother in the last 6 mths, but more in the last 4. Alot of people wonder if we have issues between us. But the thing is we are stronger now than we ever have been. We both put eachothers interest in front of our own. Which someones can be the wrong thing to do I am sure but it balances us out.
We are excited for June 6th. We did have our special day in Vegas on 1/20/09 and this will be a special day for the family, kids, and my parents.

Renasia, We all love you all around the world and back again! There isn't a day that goes by when aren't thinking about you!

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