Well lets catch everyone up to speed.
We have relocated to Santa Maria, CA. Which most of you know for a job position I was offered. Which I am very happy I was given this opportunity, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to try new things, enjoy new areas, and also give the children a change in life to experience things they probably wouldn't of normally done.
We are settled into a nice home that is in a good area. We love the area, people, and especially the fact that we are 15 min from A BEACH. Yes I said it. I know everyone from Utah is thinking hmmm " like Great Salt Lake?" NO WAY!! This is a beach that when you stand outside you feel so free and hearing the waves is very enjoyable. It definetly is a bonus. We do have quite a few bonus things that came with the move. The weather is fabulous. It is definetly the best weather for Ren to be in with his MS. Which was a HUGE plus for me to make this move.
Kita is settled into her school called Fessler Middle School. She likes it, of course she has made many friends. Even though she was so worried she wouldn't make any. But as we all know she is a social butterfly. She is doing good as far as her grades, and homework which is awesome. She dressed up as Freddie Krogers wife/girlfriend. She rocked the outfit. More pictures to come after trick or treating tomorrow.
Renati has adjusted well. She is going to a new in home daycare, recommended by a friend. Of course the kids are all sorts of ages and the ones that are close to hers are no where near her height so she runs the show as always. At this daycare she gets some great benefits, she gets home cooked mexican food all the time, which she LOVES. lol.. She will slowly learn spanish, which if any of you know always asks about people that speak spanish. She will also learn some sign language in the future too. She does get alot of preparing for Kindergarten. She dressed up as a disco girl. She also rocked her outfit.
KJ- Well he will be here on Tuesday YEAHHHH..I have to drive to the LAX airport and pick him up. He has been staying with gma, and going to school and playing football.. His last game is this saturday and then time to start packing buddy. We have been missing him, were very excited for him to come home. I know that Ren could use some extra male support. All this girl power in the house.
Ren- He is adjusting but loves it, he wasn't the best of friends with Utah haha. He is currently working within the same company as me just in another building. Of course he made friends before I did or as he says aquaintances. :) His health is going pretty good in regards to his MS. Which is awesome, he had a scare in the summer time with a minor relapse but now is doing good. He will only progress as the time goes on.
Now Myself- I can say I LOVE my job, I enjoy going to work. The people are great, and the company has taken me in with open arms. It is a huge adjustment from working form home for the last year but well worth it. As crazy as it sounds working with people is something I love to do. Yes I enjoy working in a call center. haha....What can I say I love a challenge and I love change.
Were going to try our hardest to go home in December I don't have a date yet. New to the company but we will try to make it work. I think if we make it twice a year, and make everyone come and say hi a couple times we will do awesome. HINT HINT...:)
One thing I would like to bring up is My Sweet Angel Renasia's Birthday is this coming Thursday Nov. 5th. I want to ask that everyone sends atleast 1 beautiful pink balloon up into the air with her name on it, and her birthdate 11/5/08. If you have a camera and can take a picture even if its with your phone and send them to me I would appreciate it a TON. You can either send them by text 801-641-0754 or email
nati_nati4588@hotmail.com- This is definetly a time in life that I never expected to have to deal with or try to get through. But its reality, I can't say it will be a good, bad, or sad day because I really don't know which my emotions will go, or the familes for that matter. When something so tragic happens to a family its very difficult to get through it. I will say this family has learned to cherish every moment you have with everyone you love. Live as if you aren't promised tomorrow. Learn that life is way to short to not enjoy it.
I know I have personally tried to understand everything our family has been through within the last year, I haven't been able to fully help myself understand. But I will say I am very grateful for what I have been given that is positive. I dont' want to say I am grateful for the negative because I have learned from it. But I am grateful were able to learn to love eachother more than before, and appreciate everything everyone does.
Now with all that- I would like to say I appreciate everyones support in this long journey through 2009- There are no words to describe how much I appreciate everyone's help, words, and just prayers to make it through the rough times.
I would like to end with my boss Ryan Romero which some of you might know has recently been diagnosed with CML Lukemia- I have sent the blog to most of you. Anyways, he is the reason I am in Santa Maria, CA so the same time you are saying many prayers for my family if you could add him into those. He is going through his own battles. He is definetly a fighter but he has been there alot for me and my family!
I hope that everyone takes the time to either respond and sign up for a FREE account. Or send us an email with a response letting us know how all of you are doing.
Love and thoughts for everyone!!!
Nati & Family